The Top 3 Leashes for Everyday Dog Ownership - Pets knowledge

The Top 3 Leashes for Everyday Dog Ownership

The Top 3 Leashes for Everyday Dog OwnershipDepending on what activities you like to do with your dog, you may need a variety of different leashes for each situation.

In this post, I’ll go over a couple of popular leash options and give some examples of when each leash could be used. If you have a favorite type of leash, let me know in the comments!

Different types of leashes for dogs

The basic snap leash

Snap leashes are your typical nylon or leather leashes that snap onto your dog’s collar. Most snap leashes are either 4 or 6 feet in length. This type of leash is often the go-to leash for dog owners for everyday use like walks, visiting the vet, going to a pet friendly store, etc.

If you currently use a retractable leash for walks, I recommend you try out a basic snap leash as well for when you need more control over your dog. Retractable leashes are great for the right situations, but sometimes they’re not safe when you’re around other dogs or if your dog is still in training (aren’t they all?).

dogIDs carries a variety of high quality snap leashes in different styles.

Check chords

Check Cords - dogIDs

A check chord is a longer lead anywhere from 20 to 50+ feet in length. This kind of lead is helpful when you’re working on obedience training such as teaching your dog to come when called or to stay. It’s a safe way to begin transitioning to off-leash work.

Some dog owners will use a check chord when training the dog for field work, retrieving, tracking or other sports.

Plus, if you have a dog that can’t be around other dogs or can’t be trusted off leash, it’s a nice option for allowing her a little more freedom to run, explore and get some exercise. In safe areas, of course!

A check chord works better than an ordinary rope because it’s generally easier on your hands and less likely to tangle. Check chords come in various colors so they’re easy to see, and they also float.

The slip lead

Dog with slip lead

Slip leads are often used for training because they allow the handlers to give slight corrections. The slip lead also decreases the chance that the dog will slip out because the leash tightens if the dog pulls, yet loosens when the dog is not pulling.

A slip leash is great for teaching your dog good manners in more “exciting” or stressful scenarios such as walking in new areas or visiting the vet or groomer. The leash gives you more control than a normal snap leash and eliminates the need for a training collar.

A lot of boarding kennels and shelters use slip leads because of how easy they are to take on and off and because they help to decrease a dog’s pulling. See our post on a dog runner who uses a slip leash here.


Other types of leashes

The martingale leash – Similar to a slip leash but is limited in how far it will tighten. Some people prefer this to a regular slip leash, especially if the dog is a strong puller.

Retractable leash – A great leash for casual scenarios where you want to allow your dog a bit more freedom. A retractable leash is also a nice option for transitioning to off-leash work.

Traffic lead – A short leash, great for transitioning to off-leash work while giving you something more than a collar to grab onto if needed. A traffic lead is helpful for practicing dog sports such as agility because the leash is too short to get tangled, yet you can grab it to re-gain control. Another option is a leash tab, which is even shorter.

What kind of leash do you use for walking, training or dog sports? Share in the comments below! 

Want more information on dog leashes? Check out these blogs.

The Best Leashes For Running With Dogs

Reasons To Buy A Personalized Dog Leash


About Lindsay Stordahl

Lindsay Stordahl is a blogger for She has a black Lab mix named Ace and two naughty cats named Beamer and Scout. Lindsay owns a pet sitting business called Run That Mutt and also maintains the blog ... Add Lindsay to your Google+ circles at You can follow Lindsay on Twitter @ThatMutt.

About the Author

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