The Top 5 Training Tips From dogIDs - Pets knowledge

The Top 5 Training Tips From dogIDs

Let’s be honest, there are a lot of dog training tips online. It can be difficult to know what’s right and wrong, or where to find the last article you were reading. To simplify your training process, we’ve put our 5 favorite training tips into one blog post. Time to break out the treats and begin!

The Top 5 Training Tips From dogIDs

How To Stop Your Dog From Barking When Home Alone

Leaving your dog at home can be a stressful situation for both you and your pup. In this blog post, you can find professional tips on how to stop pets from barking out of habit or boredom.

Dog howling

Common Puppy Potty Training Mistakes

Potty training your new dog can be very difficult. To simplify this difficult process, we talk about common mistakes you could be making when teaching your new pup where they should go.

Dog lying down

4 Tips To Stop A Dog From Jumping

Meeting new people or having guests come over is exciting for your pet. In their mind, jumping up on a human means they are showing affection, in your mind, they are being rude. In this blog, you can read our favorite tips on teaching your pet how to greet their human friends.

Dog jumping up on person

What To Do If Your Dog Won’t Listen

One of the most frustrating moments as a dog owner is trying to get your pup to listen. Time to fix your pet’s “selective hearing” and work on your dog to come when they are called. Learn what may be causing your pet to not listen, and what you can do to fix it.

Dog chewing on stick

The dogIDs Puppy Training eBook

Are you new to the puppy training process? In this blog, you will find our full puppy training eBook to guide you through the first major steps of teaching your new puppy everything they need to know.

Dog sitting in the snow

Have tips to share? Want advice on a different training topic? Comment below!

Want more training tips? Check out these blogs.

First Steps to Training Your New Dog

Training Tips That Will Make Your Vet Love Your Dog


About Hannah Savoy

Hannah used to be the Marketing Manager at dogIDs before heading on to new opportunities. She spends most of her time focused on emails, digital ads and social media. Hannah is a dog lover and can talk for hours about her furry nephews and nieces. She hopes to have a furry friend of her own very soon!

About the Author

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