Pet Insurance: How to Get It and Why You Need It - Pets knowledge

Pet Insurance: How to Get It and Why You Need It

You’ve heard it before, dogs are expensive. There is the initial adoption fee which helps keep your local rescue running, all the food, toys, tags, treats and of course regular vet check-ups. Sure, it all seems pretty manageable. As with any other lifestyle change, you check your budget, put some money in a separate savings account and stay on top of being the best Dog Mom or Dad you can be.

However, unexpected or emergency vet bills can throw off your whole plan.

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is just like health insurance for your pet. Based on the type of coverage you choose, pet insurance can help pay for anything related to your pet’s health, from emergency surgery to costly ongoing care.

There are plans available for nearly any level of care. The plans are pet-specific, so dogs and cats are covered differently. You can also find plans for other types of pets, but dogs and cats are the most popular while some exotic animals are very difficult to insure.

All plans are a bit different, so it is important to shop around before you settle on one insurer to take care of your favorite pet. Be sure to check with companies you already work with, and compare quotes from a few different providers. You may want to check with your employer. Pet insurance might be a part of your benefits package! Overall, these plans are pretty affordable. Many companies offer plans that cost between $10 and $100.

Dog at vet


What Coverage Does My Pet Need?

Talking to your vet is the best way to determine what type of coverage is best for your pet.

Similar to many human healthcare plans, your pet insurance is most likely a reimbursement plan. When you take your fur baby to the vet, you will pay a copay or the amount that is due for a procedure. Then, send in your paperwork to submit a claim and the insurance provider will reimburse you.

Do I need pet insurance?

The easy answer is no, pet owners are not required to have this type of insurance. When making the decision whether pet insurance is worth the cost, consider how you would deal with an unexpected bill for your dog or cat.

If you have thousands of dollars in a savings account for your pet’s care, and a large, unexpected bill could be paid out of pocket, then you may want to pass on the added expense. Unfortunately, for most pet parents this may not be the case. An emergency surgery is one thing, but oftentimes high-cost trauma care comes with expensive ongoing care.

With the cost of care on the rise, thanks to better technology that can help your furry friend live a longer, healthier life, these bills are not getting smaller any time soon. Find the option that’ll keep your pup’s tail wagging and let you focus on being the best paw-rent you can be.

Do you have pet insurance for your dog? Tell us why you decided to get it in the comments!

Want more vet tips? Check out these great blogs.

How to Choose a Veterinarian

How to Help a Fearful Dog at the Vet

Training Tips That Will Make Your Vet Love Your Dog

About McKaila Ruud

McKaila started her journey with dogIDs as a Product Marketing Intern and has since moved into the role of Production Specialist and Blogger. She is an aspiring dog mom, and gets her puppy-fix by making friends with the dogs that live in her building. You can usually find her drinking coffee and saying hello to every dog she sees.

About the Author

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