Best Owner Practices When Potty Training Your Puppy - Pets knowledge

Best Owner Practices When Potty Training Your Puppy

There is no doubt that potty training a puppy can be a difficult task. There are many different methods and practices that you can choose from when potty training your dog, but how do you know which one is the best? In this article, we will go over some of the best practices for potty training your puppy. These tips will help make potty training easier and less time consuming.

Remember These Tips When Potty Training Your Puppy

  • Keep a close eye on your puppy. Make sure you are watching him/her at all times so that if they have to potty, you can quickly take them outside or wherever it is that you want them to potty (if you live in a city, for example, you may want them to go on a puppy pad or sod on your balcony. This will allow the pup to develop their own habits and help teach them when and where they should go potty.
  • When potty training a puppy, it is important to set up a schedule for them. One of the best practices to teach your pup that going outside is important is taking them out every 20–30 minutes. This may seem like a lot, but puppies have small bladders so taking them out two to three times an hour will help to ensure that they don’t have a chance to use your carpet as a toilet.
  • Set up your puppy’s crate so that it is comfortable for potty training. Dogs do not like to potty in their own spaces, so if you want your pup to use this spot as a potty area then make sure that they have ample room and there are no food or water dishes inside of the crate. Crate training is an important part of both potty training and ensuring that they have a safe space. This should be a comfortable place for them to rest and feel like they can relax in.
  • If you see your puppy about to relieve themselves inside the house, immediately pick them up and take them to their designated relief spot. Never put their noses in their urine or feces if they have an accident and never, ever hit them. These are outdated practices that have been shown to do more harm than good in the long run.

  • As stated in the above step, they should never be punished for potty accidents. Instead, praise them when they potty outside on the grass or in their designated area on a potty pad. Take them to these areas after eating and drinking as well so that it becomes natural for them to have bowel movements at certain times of day. Always praise when they go and provide them with a high-value treat to let them know that going outside will end with major treats and belly rubs!
  • Create a ‘go potty’ cue. For potty training purposes, it is recommended to have a potty cue that the owner uses every time before they take their dog outside. This can be something simple like ‘let’s go potty’ or whatever else you come up with as long as everyone in your family knows what this means so no accidents happen indoors.
  • Keep in mind that accidents happen. Puppies are like babies, and they don’t understand when they are doing something wrong. It can be frustrating when you are dealing with a rowdy puppy, but always remember that your hard work will be worth it. If you and your pup are struggling with indoor accidents, it can be easy to get pet odor out of carpet if you take the right steps.
  • Teach your puppy to use a dog door or potty bell. As they become more comfortable with where they need to go, a potty bell will be a cue for you to take them outside.

Potty Training Is Simple, But Not Easy

As you go into your potty training adventure, keep these simple tips in mind. Don’t get frustrated and keep in mind that your puppy is a baby who can’t hold their bladder for long and are learning new things about the world every day. With these tips and tricks , potty training should be a breeze!

Author: David Cruz

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